How do I setup my radio
communications port for use with ScanControl? - See our
Radio Setup page for details on setting up
your radio. |
Screen Resolution: I'm
running my monitor at 800 X 600 resolution. The ScanControl screens
appear very large and I can't see the lower right hand corner of some of the
screens. How can this be corrected? - Some of the ScanControl
screens can get pretty large due to the amount of information we are trying
to display. Ideally, if you can change your screen resolution to 1024
X 768 dpi or higher, you will benefit from having more than enough room on
your display for ScanControl and other applications. In order to see it
all if you are running at 800 X 600 dpi resolution you need change the font
size display setting. This can be done using the Display Properties
boxes in the Windows Control Panel. The font size setting needs to be
changed to "Small" or the smallest possible size available. The exact
location and dialog box for these setting changes are different from one
operating system to the next so consult your Windows Help documentation for
specifics. |
Does ScanControl require a
special cable to operate with the supported radios? - No.
If your radio came with a PC cable then ScanControl will work with it.
3D Technologies offers serial cables for the PRO-2052, BC895XLT, BC780XLT,
BC785D and BC796D as these radios do not normally ship with a PC cable. |
How do you program trunked
radio systems with ScanControl? - Click over to our
Trunk Programming page for a graphic
tutorial on how to use ScanControl to program trunked radio systems. |
What are ScanLists and how
are they used? - Click over to our
Bank Memory Map page for a graphic
tutorial on how ScanLists are used in trunked radio systems. |
What is a Fleet Map and how
is it used? - Click over to our
Bank Memory Map page for a graphic
tutorial on how a Fleet Map is used in trunked radio system. |
In a trunked radio system can
I group Talkgroup IDs by function or geography and then selectively scan
these groups of IDs? - Yes, here's how: First, ALL the frequencies
associated with the trunked radio system need to be programmed into the same
bank, say Bank #1. Then, within Bank #1 group your IDs as you want them
and program the ID groups into the ScanLists in Bank #1. Here's a partial
Bank #1 = All 20 frequencies for the trunked system into channels #1 -
Then, you scan Bank #1 locking out ScanList 2(B) when you only want to
listen to Fire, or locking out ScanList 1(A) when you only want to listen to
Police, etc. When scanning a trunked bank you can lockout out individual IDs
by setting the "L" bit for the ID. However it's easier to lockout entire
ScanLists by pressing the ScanList # key (1 - 0) on the keypad while the
radio is scanning the trunked bank. So, by selectively locking out IDs and
entire ScanLists you can get virtually any grouping you want.
Notice too that both sample ScanLists above contain ID 9900 (PD Tactical
#1). You can duplicate IDs in different ScanLists if you want some IDs to be
scanned no matter which ScanLists are locked out.
Also, ID 9900 has the "P"
(priority) bit set in each ScanList. This is done when programming the IDs
into the ScanLists. So, if the ScanList is unlocked and the radio is in
Priority Mode these IDs will be "sampled" every 2 seconds for activity and
if activity exists the radio will jump directly to that ID so you don't miss
the transmission. |
Does ScanControl support
scanning both Trunked and Conventional radio systems at the same time? -
This is really a function of the radio, not ScanControl. If the radio can
perform simultaneous scanning of both Trunked and Conventional channels then
ScanControl can certainly program the channels accordingly. All the
Uniden radios that ScanControl supports can do this type of mixed scanning. |
What is the Activity
Indicator available on some Uniden Trunking models? - When scanning a
trunked bank you can turn on the Activity Indicator for that bank from the
ScanControl Control / Monitoring screen. When this indicator is
enabled the radio will display any active talkgroup IDs that it detects on
the radio system, even if the ID is not in a ScanList or the actual ID being
monitored. In other words you could be listening to talkgroup ID 224
because you are holding on it or it went active during scanning and at the
same time if ID 889 goes active the radio display will show ACT ID 889.
This is very handy for discovering new IDs that you don't have in a ScanList
but are frequently active in the radio system. |
If I have multiple radios can
I copy or move bank data from one radio to another using ScanControl? -
Yes. ScanControl has a Copy Bank screen
that allows you to copy or move an entire bank, or a portion thereof,
between two banks in the same data file or between two banks in two
different data files. This screen also lets you copy bank data to an
Excel CSV file for use in Excel or for loading by some other program
(available in Version 3.3.x or higher - 04/2004). |
Does ScanControl support
importing CSV files from Excel or other software programs? - Yes.
The Full edition of ScanControl has a unique CSV
Import screen that allows you to import frequency and talkgroup ID data
from any CSV file. CSV files are typically created by spreadsheet
programs such as Excel but they can also be created by any number of other
software programs. |
Does ScanControl export bank
data in CSV file format so I can import it into other programs or share
frequency data with other scanner enthusiasts? - Yes. Version
3.3.x (available 04/2004) or higher includes the CSV file export feature as
part of the Copy Bank screen. |
How do I obtain software
upgrades after I purchase ScanControl? - Visit our
Upgrades page for details on obtaining software
upgrades. |
I have both a BC780XLT and
a BC796D and would like to know if ScanControl can be set up to control
both independently. In other words can I list the frequencies and other
information for my 780 in ScanControl and then do the same for my 796 and
then switch back and forth between the two? Or would I have to share the
same frequencies, etc., between the two? - ScanControl can definitely handle both scanners as you describe. Whenever
you program any scanner with ScanControl you save that scanners' entire
memory contents on the hard disk in a file that you name whatever you like. Let's say you first program your
BC780XLT with ScanControl and you save those
frequencies in the file called BC780XLT.dat. Then you connect your BC796D to
ScanControl, program its frequencies and save them in a file called
BC796D.dat. Now, whenever you connect either scanner to ScanControl you just
load the file you want from your hard disk and use it with the appropriate
Additionally ScanControl will automatically translate the data from the
BC780XLT to the BC796D, if you want it to, so you can get some or all of the
frequencies into the 796D without having to re-key them into the program. |